High Quality Psychology

Alpha Beta Behavioral Psychological can help build skills that increase quality of life. Bakersfield California

When problems in life hit us like a ton of bricks right in the face it can be painful. Your reactions to the pain can lead to high stress levels that feel unmanageable. Your thoughts change then your feelings change and last your reacts change. Life does not care that you have 50 million other things on your to-do-list or that you are really overwhelmed with your bad relationship, kids that do not listen to you, a job that you hate waking up for, the no money in your bank account, and the list goes on. When life gets to the point where you just had enough, you know that exhausted feeling, what do you do? Get back to the time when life didn’t take the life out of you. Build the higher quality of life you so very much deserve. 

Managing mental health is not easy. Understanding feeling is hard enough let alone learning the skills needed to help you manage them. With so much to think about and so much on the line it can be hard to think about if you will ever get through it.

Alpha Beta Behavioral Psychological Services Inc. in Bakersfield California is a stable for psychologist that can help development of skills that will improve overall wellbeing. There is no shame in asking for help when you need it. We are here to guide you to a higher quality of life for yourself and your family.

Who we are

Dr. Dwight J. Norman Jr. Psy.D

Dr. Dwight J. Norman Jr. Psy.D

Too much stress and negativity can make life hell. You can feel overwhelmed under the burden of stress unless you know how to manage it. Luckily, stress is manageable. Alpha Beta Behavioral is your go-to guide to come out of the stress burden and ease your mind. No doubt, managing mental health is challenging. But our team prides itself on our customized psychological and behavioral therapies to meet the specific needs of each of our clients.

Whether stress, depression, or anxiety is at the root of your psychological burden, our professional stress management team can help you identify underlying problems and realize your strengths. Our mission is to improve lives of clients through behavioral adjustments and negative thoughts that have been blocking your progress.

The psychologist team at Alpha Beta Behavioral is led by Dr. Dwight Norman Jr., who is a licensed clinical psychologist with specialization in treating mood disorders. In our experience, we have come across a range of patients struggling with anxiety, stress, and depression due to cultural, social, age, or work-related reasons.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Applied Behavior Analysis, and Exposure Response Prevention are our areas of specialization. With a firm belief in the equality, our clinical therapists reinforce our mission to improve mental health of clients struggling with extreme sadness and depressive moods.

We are compassionate at heart and make others willing to share information that has been making them stressed. As top psychologist, we can read people’s minds and try to find the root cause of their problem. There may be pent-up feelings, apprehensions, or inhibitions at the root of their mental health problem. We work as a team, for we really believe in the group practice model. I got into this type of work to be able to help others and support a lifestyle that I want to live through my passion of resolving people’s mental health problems. It is important to me to help others heal and live a high quality of life.

We work with a broad spectrum of clients, who need behavioral/psychological intervention to overcome the self-inhibitions that have been keeping them from growth. We specialize in mental health training and teach clients skills for a lifetime. We have helped hundreds of people who wanted to be better of themselves to improve their quality of life.

You are a multitasker but are unable to live for yourself or find some me time. This adds up to the stress levels. Managing your day to day life is hard enough with family, career, and community. Let us help you understand your self-needs first and manage them because a mentally strong you can better take care of your family.

We believe there is no shame in asking for help when needed. Our main focus is to guide patients to live a higher quality of life. Let us help you develop a healthy mental state and overcome miseries and self-limitations. Alpha Beta Behavioral Psychological is proud to offer matchless psychology therapy that teaches you how to overcome and manage stress and get back to a fulfilling life.

Let's connect online and get started!